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COMET 2025: Unprecedented challenges – demand powerful partnerships.
In collaboration with SACTEM.
Welcome: Aniket
We're extending a big, warm welcome - albeit 4000 miles away to Aniket Dixit - who recently teamed up with our MD of International Strategy Priyen Potnis at our new HQ in Pune, India.
Welcome: Raj
A big warm welcome to Raj - newly arrived in Pune as part of our international talent acquisition team.
Mental Health Makeover: MHA 2017 and India’s Global Ambitions
How can you prepare for a global career in Psychiatry? Read on to find out about the mental healthcare provisions in India and how this can help share your global career in Psychiatry.
The Ultimate Guide to Structuring a Doctor's CV
Crafting a standout Curriculum Vitae (CV) is essential for every doctor. It’s your professional story and often the first impression you make on a potential employer. It needs to clearly highlight your qualifications, experience, and expertise. Read our guide to find out how you can write the ultimate CV and make the best first impression on future employers!
The long game : A guide for overseas doctors
We would highly recommend that any student that aims to build a career in the NHS, gets in touch with Indigo Healthcare Recruitment at least 2 years before they complete their membership exam.