
Welcome: Aniket

We're extending a big, warm welcome - albeit 4000 miles away to Aniket Dixit - who recently teamed up with our MD of International Strategy Priyen Potnis at our new HQ in Pune, India.

Aniket - along with Rajeshwari Suryavanshi and our UK based team - are playing a pivot role in helping to support our mission to ensure that the UK and NHS remains a major destination for the best clinical talent.

There is an increasing appetite to challenge current norms and expectations - our Recruitment 2.0 strategy is a radical re-imagining of possibilities - working side by side with thought leaders and innovators within the sector and our Partner Trusts.

India and our international business more generally - is one of the cornerstones of our long range strategy. The current team form part of our NxTGeN succession plan.